ROAD closures and lane restrictions are expected whilst work is carried out at Junction 4 of the M5 in Bromsgrove next month.
The improvement works include widening of the both the northbound and southbound sections of the A38 Halesowen Road, to increase capacity on and off the M5 Junction 4 roundabout.
It is being carried out by Worcestershire County Council will start on Monday, June 8.
Footways will be repositioned to accommodate the wider carriageway and verges will be widened for greater visibility.
The works are part of the wider A38 Bromsgrove Improvement scheme, which has already seen improvements made at Barley Mow Lane and later this year will see improvement work at M42 Junction 1.
The council says the works are set for completion later this year and will include some lane restrictions and road closures from the beginning of the works.
Councillor Ken Pollock, Worcestershire County Council’s cabinet member with responsibility for economy and infrastructure, said: “It’s great that we’re now in a position to start making improvements to this very busy section of the A38.
“The improvements being made to increase capacity on this junction will make a huge difference to the congestion currently seen there, by improving the flow of traffic coming on to and leaving the roundabout.”
Highways England regional director, Catherine Brookes, said: “The investment in this busy junction will improve journeys for drivers, unlock the potential for new jobs and homes and help drive the local economy. Our road network is vital to the UK’s economy, businesses large and small depend on it. We are committed to working with communities to generate future development and employment opportunities while ensuring better journey times.”