Consultation Phase 2


Develop Vision Statement for Neighbourhood Plan up to 2030.
Set up Working Groups, covering Housing, Infrastructure and Environment. Based on the agreed Vision Statement generate objectives and policy options.
Obtain grant and conduct Landscape Character Assessment Study using independent consultants.
Develop criteria for housing site selection using evidence base – Local Character Assessment Study, Flood Risk and Hydrology Study and Ecology Assessment.
Develop a detailed questionnaire incorporating the findings of the Working Groups and  potential housing sites derived from the housing sustainability assessment.
Consult with all the residents of the Parish, using the detailed household questionnaire, on the Vision Statement, Plan Objectives and Preferred Policy Options, together with consideration of preferred housing sites for development.
Analyse the results of the questionnaires and identify the Preferred Policy options which will form the basis of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Identify preferred sites for housing development based on results of the questionnaires.
Undertake ‘Call for Sites’ exercise with Land Owners and Developers.
Audit review of site assessments undertaken by independent consultants.
Housing Needs Assessment Study undertaken by independent consultants.
Design Codes undertaken by independent consultants.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan and consultation documentation.

Key Activities Undertaken

 Agree Vision Statement for Neighbourhood Plan, using findings of Level 1 questionnaire as a basis.
Set up Working Groups identifying Leads for each Group.
Collate existing data from sources with County Council and District Council. Liaise with District Planning Department.
Apply for Grant money for survey required by Environment Working Group – Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment Study.
Manage and liaise with consultants undertaking survey and receive final report.
Apply for grant money for distribution of level 2 questionnaires.
Design Level 2 questionnaire incorporating results from Working Groups and finalise.
Prepare Mail Shot – List of House Holders in Parish, stamped addressed envelopes.
Print questionnaires and distribute through Mail Shot.
Design Level 2 Questionnaire online using Set up questionnaire on website.
Input results to computer and analyse results.
Produce Report of Results of Level 2 Questionnaire survey.(Summary of results and issues raised in Appendix 3)
Undertake ‘Call for Sites’ exercise identifying Land Owners and Developers through Land Registry search and advertising in local newspapers. Invite identified interested parties to complete proformas for their respective sites and make presentations of their detailed proposals if they so wish. (See Appendix 4 for details of this consultation exercise)
Collect base line information and produce ecology, environment, flood risk and green infrastructure reports.
Using base line information undertake more detailed sites assessments of each identified packet of land (25 packets) using traffic light system, with a view to identify sites which are suitable and sustainable.
Undertake and audit review of these site assessments by independent consultants (through government technical support package).
Undertake a Local Needs Assessment Study by independent consultants (through government technical support package) .
BDC undertake ‘screening assessment’ to test the requirement for full ‘ strategic environmental assessment’ (SEA).
Complete first draft of NP Report and other consultation documentation required for regulation 14 consultation.

October 2017 – December 2019