The name of the organisation shall be the Catshill and North Marlbrook Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group

The development of a Neighbourhood Plan is a community led project and therefore the group shall include residents of Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish as well as Parish Councillors.

All matters concerning the operation and governance of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group shall, unless specified below, be governed by Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Council’s Standing Orders, relevant policies and Codes of Conduct.


The purpose of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group (NDP) shall be to carry out the following tasks on behalf of the Parish Council:-

·         Undertake the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan and any associated tasks

·         Identify sources of funding

·         Take responsibility for planning, budgeting and monitoring expenditure on the production of the Neighbourhood Plan

·         Identify priorities and timescales for local action in the Project Plan, including the lead organisations and potential sources of funding

·         Liaise with relevant authorities and organizations to ensure the Plan is as comprehensive, effective and inclusive as possible

·         Identify ways of involving the whole community and gather the views and opinions of as many groups and organizations in the community as possible

·         Determine the types of consultation and information gathering to be used

·         Be responsible for the analysis arising from such consultation and the production and distribution of the final report

·         To work closely with Bromsgrove District Council (BDC),Worcester County Council ( WCC) and the Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council

·         To report back regularly, via the nominated councillor, to the Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council on progress and major issues arising, and outcomes from the exercise

·         To present the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for consultation with the Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council, local residents, BDC and an Independent Assessor

·         Finally, in conjunction with BDC, hold a Neighbourhood Development Plan referendum involving all local residents businesses, schools etc before submitting the final Plan for approval.


The NDP Steering Group shall have a maximum of 12 members.

No more than 4 of these members shall be councillors and shall be nominated at the Annual Parish Council meeting, of Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council. One of these councillors shall be designated as the “nominated lead Councillor” and be responsible for reporting back to the Full Parish Council on a regular basis. In the absence of the Nominated Lead Councillor reporting back may be undertaken by any other councillor present at the relevant NDP Steering Group meeting.

 The Chairperson of the Full Parish Council is an ex officio member of the NDP Steering Group

 The NDP Steering Group may co-opt additional members at its discretion.

 A person shall cease to be a member of the NDP Steering Group having notified the Chairperson or the Assistant Clerk in writing of their wish to resign.


At or shortly after its first formal meeting the NDP Steering Group will elect a

Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will be elected from the resident members on the Group. Should either officer resign their role their replacement shall be by election at the next available meeting of the NDP Steering Group.

All other NDP Steering Group members will have a specific role to be agreed by the Steering Group.


The NDP Steering Group shall meet bi – monthly or as may be required.

At least three clear days notice of meetings shall be given to members in writing or by email and such notice shall detail the matters to be discussed.

Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the NDP Steering Group members present.

In the case of equality of votes the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

In order to transact business The Steering Group must have a quorum of 4 members to include at least one councillor.

The Assistant Clerk shall keep a record of meetings and circulate draft minutes to NDP Steering Group members and the Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council.

Working Groups

The NDP Steering Group may appoint such working groups as it considers necessary to carry out functions specified by the NDP Steering Group. Working groups shall report back regularly to the NDP Steering Group.

Each working group should have a nominated chair but this person does not have to be a member of the NDP Steering Group.

Working groups do not have the power to authorise expenditure on behalf of the NDP Steering Group.


All grants and funding will be applied for and held by the Parish Council, who will ring-fence the funds for Neighbourhood Development Plan purposes only.

Approval of expenditure by the Parish Council is required before actual costs are incurred.

The Parish Council shall budget for and keep a clear record of expenditure where necessary supported by receipted invoices.

Members of the community who are involved as volunteers with any of the working groups and NDP Steering Group members may claim back any expenditure properly and necessarily incurred during the process of producing the Neighbourhood Plan. This includes, but is not limited to, postage, stationery, telephone calls and travel costs.

The Parish Council will draw up and agree with the NP Steering Committee procedures for anyone wishing to claim expenses including the rates they may claim. The Parish Council will keep the NP Steering Group informed on planned and actual expenditure for the project and enable payments of invoices to be made as required.

Parish Council insurance will cover the agreed activities of the Steering Group and volunteers, but Steering Group members, in liaison with the Parish Clerk, need to ensure that terms of the insurance are not breached.

Changes to the Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference may be altered and additional clauses may be added with the consent of two thirds of the NDP Steering Group present. These changes must then be ratified by the Catshill & North Marlbrook FPC.

General conduct of members of the Steering Group.

The current Standing Orders of the Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council, including the provisions applying to the registration and disclosure of both pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests, will apply to all members of the NDP Steering Group and any volunteers on the working groups

 Dissolving the Steering Group

 At the conclusion of the Neighbourhood Development Plan project the Parish Council and Steering Group should discuss the future working of the Steering Group. If the Steering Group wishes to dissolve it must notify the Parish Council.

 Terms of reference first adopted: September 2016

 Reviewed and revisions ratified: September 2017